Tools For Radiant Health: Beginners Mindset

Tools For Radiant Health: Beginners Mindset

 The Japanese way of Shoshin

The attitude of not worrying if things are perfect but to constantly remind yourself to be open to learning and try new things.

The Beginners's Mind or Shoshin seems counterintuitive when the goal of practicing any activity or sport is to grow your expertise. But many end up closing their minds off to curiosity and possibility due to "knowing it". That is why approaching things with this beginner mindset can actually keep us in a state of joy and learning.


Three ideas from us:

1. Always train the basics or foundations of your sport, craft or practice. We can get lost in trying to do the big flashy thing but beginner foundations matter. As an example, Can I breathe rhythmically, in and out through the nose, throughout the a meditation or yoga session?

2. Engage your curiosity. Look at things with the same naivety and delight of a child in a new place. Being in a space of not-knowing supports new discoveries. In this way, your practice or skill can evolve in unexpected ways.

3. There is always more to learn. When you think you know something you close yourself off to new ideas or perspectives. You might even have blindspots to important details. So don't stop listening and be open and receptive.


2 Ideas from us:

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.” Shunryu Suzuki

“It’s better to start as a fool and learn from your mistakes than to fake being a genius and ignore your errors.” ― James Clear


1 questions for you

What can you do today with a beginners mindset?

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